{"id":24154,"date":"2021-12-22T09:36:45","date_gmt":"2021-12-22T16:36:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.vdigitalservices.com\/?p=24154"},"modified":"2024-01-18T16:25:06","modified_gmt":"2024-01-18T23:25:06","slug":"complete-guide-google-penguin-algorithm","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.vdigitalservices.com\/complete-guide-google-penguin-algorithm\/","title":{"rendered":"A Complete Guide to the Google Penguin Algorithm Update"},"content":{"rendered":"

Nearly a decade ago, Google debuted a major update to their algorithm, aiming for manipulative link-building practices and link spam \u2013 and the rest, as they say, was history.<\/p>\n

Officially known as the Google Penguin Update, the webspam algorithm forever changed the way websites are ranked by Google. Before it was released, link volume was a key factor in scoring a page after being crawled, indexed, and assessed by Google.<\/p>\n

Unfortunately, this methodology created a major loophole: low-quality content and webpages were able to secure better organic search results rankings than they deserved, simply due to high link volume.<\/p>\n

As you can imagine, the imbalance of quality in the search rankings was something Google wanted to fix quickly. In keeping with their commitment to delivering the best possible user experience \u2013 and of course, relevant, useful search results \u2013 Google\u2019s webspam team got to work, and the Penguin update was born.<\/p>\n

We\u2019ve created a comprehensive guide that covers everything you\u2019ve ever wanted to know about the Penguin Update from Google, condensing nearly 10 years of Internet history (pun intended) into a single, easy-to-read resource.<\/p>\n

We\u2019ll be looking at the what, why, and how of Penguin and diving into the practical strategies you need to make the algorithm work for you.<\/p>\n

\"AWhy was the Google Penguin Update Created?<\/h2>\n

In the early days of the Internet, spammy content, keyword stuffing, and other black hat SEO tactics were everywhere.<\/p>\n

And even though you can still find all of that online today, it\u2019s been better relegated to the sidelines of search \u2013 and we largely have the Penguin update to thank.
\nGoogle first started tackling low-quality web pages with their Panda algorithm update. Later, Penguin was introduced as an extension.<\/p>\n

Penguin was Google\u2019s weapon of choice against the rampant black hat link-building techniques that were being used to influence search results and rankings. Even though Panda had made a dent in the massive pile of spam, Penguin was designed to go even further. Ultimately, Google\u2019s goal was to disarm the users implementing black hat spamming tactics by focusing on the types and quality of earned backlinks.<\/p>\n

With the update to their search algorithm, Google gained the ability to better process the various types of links that webpages and webmasters were earning and implementing in their content. As a result, the algorithm rewarded web pages with high-quality, relevant, and authoritative links while penalizing those relying on spammy linking methods.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s important to note that Penguin was specifically engineered for sites\u2019 incoming links only, no outgoing links.<\/p>\n

The Initial Impact of Google\u2019s Penguin Update<\/h2>\n

When Penguin was first launched (April 2012), Google estimated<\/a> that it had a noticeable effect on more than 3% of global search results. Just over a year later, Penguin 2.0 was released as the fourth update to the Google algorithm.<\/p>\n

That update affected just over 2% of search queries.
\nFor the sake of context, Panda significantly impacted about 12% of all search queries.<\/p>\n

\"AA Timeline of Google Penguin Updates and Algorithm Refreshes<\/h2>\n

Anyone that\u2019s worked in SEO will tell you that updates to the Google algorithm stick to a fairly steady pace, which is largely why search works as well as it does today. For Penguin, in particular, there have been a fair number of updates and refreshes in the almost-10 years since its debut.<\/p>\n

Of course, it can be hard to stay on top of all the updates and what they mean for your web page, especially if you aren\u2019t an SEO expert. But don\u2019t worry because we\u2019ve rounded up the most important changes to Penguin and organized them into a brief history of algorithm updates.<\/p>\n

Google Penguin 1.1<\/h3>\n

March 26, 2012<\/h4>\n

Technically, Penguin 1.1 was a refresh of the data within the algorithm, not a change. The updates\u2019 effects were two-fold: the websites affected by the initial launch were able to see a certain level of recovery if they had worked to revamp their link profiles. For many websites that had seemingly escaped penalty in the first round, this update proved to have an impact.<\/p>\n

Google Penguin 1.2<\/h3>\n

October 5, 2012<\/h4>\n

In this second data refresh, search queries in both English and international languages were affected.<\/p>\n

Google Penguin 2.0<\/h3>\n

May 22, 2013<\/h4>\n

Penguin 2.0 was a step forward for the algorithm on a technical level, directly changing the way the algorithm ranked search results. The first update went beyond a website\u2019s homepage and top-level category pages, working to pinpoint evidence of spammy links on multiple levels.<\/p>\n

Google Penguin 2.1<\/h3>\n

October 4, 2013<\/h4>\n

Penguin 2.1 marked the only time Penguin 2.0 received a refresh, though the exact purpose behind 2.1 mainly stayed behind the closed doors of Google. Experts have theorized that the data refresh continued Google\u2019s efforts to crawl webpages on a deeper level and allowed more intensive analysis of the containment of spammy links.<\/p>\n

Google Penguin 3.0<\/h3>\n

October 17, 2014<\/h4>\n

Another update, another step forward in the elimination of widespread black hat link tactics. Websites that were impacted by previous updates were able to make progress on recovery (assuming they had cleaned up their acts). This update extended Google’s reach and delivered penalties for other sites that had continued their low-quality link-building methods.<\/p>\n

Google Penguin 4.0<\/h3>\n

September 23, 2016<\/h4>\n

Nearly two years after 3.0, the final algorithm update for Google Penguin was released. Easily the most news-worthy part of the launch was Penguin becoming a permanent part of Google\u2019s core algorithm.<\/p>\n

Even though that didn\u2019t mean the actual functionality of the algorithm was changing, this did mark a shift in how Google perceived the algorithm itself.<\/p>\n

Presently, Penguin runs in tandem with the core algorithm to assess links and webpages in real-time. This translated to the new ability to observe how your link building or cleanup efforts affected your search rankings, almost to the minute.<\/p>\n

Unlike the previous versions of Penguin, which took a punitive approach to deal with websites using low-quality and spam links, 4.0 instead downgraded the value of the links themselves.<\/p>\n

But that doesn\u2019t necessarily mean that penalties no longer exist \u2013 it\u2019s certainly still possible to see your rankings take a hit if you try black hat tactics.<\/p>\n

How Do the Algorithm Downgrades of Google Penguin Work?<\/h2>\n

Not long after the introduction of Google Penguin, brands and webmasters that had relied on manipulative or low-quality backlinking strategies started to see their organic rankings and traffic decline. The downgrades weren\u2019t necessarily applied to an entire side; rather, some targeted specific keyword groups had been dramatically over-optimized.<\/p>\n

Penguin also has the capability to move between multiple domains, so switching up the domain (in an attempt to redirect) isn\u2019t an option. Various SEO experts and enthusiasts have experimented with the use of 301 and 302 redirects but have found that they aren\u2019t an effective way to sidestep Penguin.<\/p>\n

Typically, meta-refresh type redirects are to be avoided, regardless of Google Penguin. These can create problems for users and search engine crawlers alike, appearing as an attempted redirect.<\/p>\n

Google Penguin 4.0 Recovery<\/h2>\n

After Google Penguin, many SEO experts were left asking: does the disavow tool help with algorithmic downgrades? The tool has long been a useful resource for SEO strategists and remains so even with Penguin incorporated in Google\u2019s core algorithm.<\/p>\n

Like many topics in SEO, there is some debate as to whether or not disavowing links can really help a website recover after a link-based downgrade or manual action. Google has publicly stated<\/a> that disavowing does<\/em> work but should be used primarily in combating link spam.<\/p>\n

What should be included in a disavow file?<\/h3>\n

When you submit a disavow file to Google, you essentially communicate that the algorithm should ignore all included links.<\/p>\n

As a result, you can free yourself from the negative ranking issues caused by low-quality links. However, it\u2019s important to be very careful \u2013 if you accidentally include good links in the file, you\u2019re losing the ranking boost they can offer.<\/p>\n

No notes are needed in your disavow file, but you\u2019re free to include them if they\u2019re helpful for your reference. Because an automated system processes the files, none of your notations will be viewed.<\/p>\n

The only content required in a disavow file is the list of links you request to be ignored.
\nAfter you upload the file, you can expect a confirmation of receipt from Google.<\/p>\n

The file will be immediately processed, but recovery will still take time. The disavow file doesn\u2019t direct Google to crawl the specific web pages you noted, so the full recovery is typically gradual.<\/p>\n

When you check the linking report in your Google Search Console, you\u2019ll still see the links, with no specification as to which have been discounted so far. That can make it a bit challenging to determine where your site is at in the recovery process.<\/p>\n

If you have submitted a disavow file in the past, it\u2019s important to be aware that a new disavow file replaces the original; it doesn\u2019t add to it<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

This means that you\u2019ll always need to include previously disavowed links in each new file. The Google Search Console makes it easy to download the most current disavow file at any time, should you need to confirm any details.<\/p>\n

What is the difference between disavowing individual links and disavowing domains?<\/h3>\n

Generally, it\u2019s better to disavow on a domain level rather than working with individual links. There may be large websites with both quality and paid links in some situations, and disavowing individual links will be a better option.<\/p>\n

But typically, a domain-based disavow is your best bet. Here\u2019s why:<\/p>\n