{"id":7484,"date":"2022-07-19T11:24:20","date_gmt":"2022-07-19T18:24:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.vdigitalservices.com\/?p=7484"},"modified":"2024-01-18T16:25:05","modified_gmt":"2024-01-18T23:25:05","slug":"franchise-businesses-and-social-media-starting-social-media-managing-multiple-profiles","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.vdigitalservices.com\/franchise-businesses-and-social-media-starting-social-media-managing-multiple-profiles\/","title":{"rendered":"Franchise Businesses and Social Media: Starting Social Media & Managing Multiple Profiles"},"content":{"rendered":"

With the popularity of social media<\/a> among consumers today, it is critical that businesses have a robust online presence to reach and interact with their customers and followers.<\/p>\n

For franchise businesses<\/a> who already struggle with brand consistency, lead generation, and onboarding issues, using social networks effectively is even more challenging, as the smallest mistake can affect every single franchise and profoundly damage their brand reputation and commercial success.<\/p>\n

That said, managing social media effectively is easier said than done. It requires a lot of time and resources, and for a franchise, this can add up quickly. With that in mind, franchise networks have been wary of moving full speed into the social media game.<\/p>\n

However, this sluggish adoption rate from the franchising industry is a massive opportunity for those franchisors who can turn social networks into cost-effective, customer-generating and customer service channels.<\/p>\n

STEP ONE: Set a Social Media Policy & Guide<\/h2>\n


Before a franchise jumps into social media use, however, it is essential for management to establish a policy manual and guidelines for social media that will steer the endeavor. The guide needs to include policies for usage, code of conduct, and passwords. It will help to promote uniformity, a consistent brand image, and adherence to company rules and culture.<\/p>\n

Once the guidelines are set, it\u2019s time to decide who will be controlling each social media account. Control can be centralized, or it can be localized, so each franchise location controls its content within the guidelines. Some franchises may also consider an in-between route where each location can give input, but approval comes from the central office.<\/p>\n

Here are some questions to think about as a franchise owner:<\/p>\n