Straight From The Pros

Simple Ways to Explain SEO to Decision Makers

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Organic SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical component for businesses looking to expand their online presence and drive customer acquisition. However, effectively communicating the value of SEO to key decision-makers can be challenging. As a leading digital marketing agency, V Digital Services recognizes the importance of SEO and has extensive expertise in the field. This blog will provide straightforward explanations and actionable insights to help decision-makers understand the value of SEO and its impact on business growth.

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First, You Must Understand the Basics of SEO

In order to effectively explain the value of SEO to decision-makers, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the basics. This includes understanding key terms, the target audience and their search behavior, the different types of SEO, and the ultimate goal of SEO.

Keywords, Rankings, and Search Engine Algorithms

Keywords are the terms and phrases that people use to search for information online. Rankings refer to a website’s position on the search engine results page (SERP) in relation to other websites. Search engine algorithms are the set of rules and calculations that search engines use to determine a website’s relevance and authority.

Target Audience and Search Behavior

This includes identifying the keywords and phrases that they’re using, as well as understanding the intent behind their searches. By understanding the target audience and their search behavior, decision-makers will be able to see the direct correlation between SEO and reaching the right audience.

Types of SEO: On-page and Off-page 

On-page SEO refers to the optimization of the individual pages of a website, including the title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and more. Off-page SEO refers to optimizing a website’s external links and the quality of those links.

The ultimate goal of SEO is to improve the visibility and ranking of a website on search engine results pages. This is achieved through optimizing a website’s content and structure, as well as building high-quality backlinks. By understanding the purpose of SEO, decision-makers will be able to see the direct correlation between SEO and driving more website traffic and leads.

Provide Simple Examples of SEO Techniques

One of the best ways to explain the concept of SEO to decision-makers is by providing simple examples of SEO techniques such as keyword research, optimizing website structure, and link building. These can help decision-makers understand the concept of SEO and how it can be applied to a business’s website. 

One example of an SEO technique is keyword research, which involves identifying the keywords and phrases your target audience is searching for and incorporating them into the website’s content and meta tags. For example, a clothing retail website could use keywords such as “affordable clothing” or “trendy fashion” to attract customers searching for those specific terms.

Another example of an SEO technique is optimizing website structure and navigation. This includes ensuring the website has a clear hierarchy, using header tags correctly, and having clear and easy-to-use navigation. This makes it easier for both users and search engines to find the information they want on the website.

Link building is another example of an SEO technique that can greatly impact a website’s visibility and ranking. This involves acquiring links from other websites to your website, which signals to search engines that your website is authoritative and valuable. For example, a local business can reach out to another local website for link building.


Showcase the ROI of SEO

One of the most important things for decision-makers to understand when it comes to SEO is the return on investment (ROI). By showing the ROI of SEO, decision-makers will be able to see the financial benefits of investing in SEO for their business.

There are several ways to showcase the ROI of SEO. One way is to provide statistics and data on the benefits of SEO for businesses. For example, studies have shown that businesses that invest in SEO see an average of 20% increase in website traffic within the first six months. Another way to showcase the ROI of SEO is to provide case studies of successful SEO campaigns for different industries. These case studies can demonstrate how businesses have seen increased website traffic, higher conversion rates, and increased revenue as a result of investing in SEO.

It is also important to point out that SEO is not a one-time investment but an ongoing process. By implementing SEO best practices, businesses can continue to see an increase in website traffic and revenue over time. Showcasing the ROI of SEO in this way will help decision-makers to understand the long-term benefits of investing in SEO for their business.


Explain Technical SEO and Its Importance

While the importance of SEO for driving website traffic and leads is clear, decision-makers may not fully understand the technical aspects of SEO and how it contributes to the overall success of a website. Technical SEO includes optimizing a website’s structure, content, and other elements to make it easily discoverable and accessible to search engines.

Website structure, for example, is a crucial aspect of technical SEO. This includes ensuring that the website has a clear hierarchy, using header tags correctly, and having clear and easy-to-use navigation. Additionally, meta tags and descriptions play an important role in technical SEO. These tags provide information about a webpage to search engines, which helps them understand the page’s content and how it should be indexed.

Crawlability is another important aspect of technical SEO. This refers to how easily search engine bots can crawl and index a website’s pages. Factors that can affect crawlability include broken links, duplicate content, and poor website structure. By addressing these issues, a website will be more likely to be indexed by search engines and show up in search results.


Bonus Tip: Collaborate with the Decision-Maker

In order for an SEO strategy to be successful, it’s important to have approval and participation from decision-makers. This means involving them in the process and addressing any concerns they may have. Some effective strategies for collaborating with decision-makers include providing regular updates on the progress and results of the SEO strategy, involving them in the planning and execution of the strategy, and addressing any concerns or objections they may have. 

By involving decision-makers in the process, they will be more likely to understand the value of SEO and see the direct correlation between SEO and the success of the business. Additionally, by providing regular updates on the progress and results of the SEO strategy, decision-makers will be able to see the progress being made and the impact of SEO on the business.

Involving decision-makers in the planning and execution of the strategy allows them to provide input and feedback on the strategy, ensuring that it is aligned with the business goals and objectives. This ensures that the SEO efforts are not just focused on increasing website traffic and leads but also on achieving specific goals such as increasing online sales or growing brand awareness.

Finally, addressing any concerns or objections that decision-makers may have is important in gaining their buy-in and support for the SEO strategy. By addressing misconceptions they may have about SEO and providing data and case studies to demonstrate the ROI of SEO, decision-makers will be more likely to support the strategy and see the value of investing in SEO for the business.


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Work with a Digital Marketing Team That Truly Understands SEO

SEO is crucial for businesses looking to expand their online presence and drive customer acquisition. However, effectively communicating the value of SEO to decision-makers can be challenging. By understanding the basics of SEO, showcasing the ROI of SEO, explaining technical SEO, and collaborating with decision-makers, businesses can ensure that their SEO efforts are aligned with their goals and objectives.

As a leading digital marketing agency, V Digital Services has extensive expertise in SEO and can help your business improve its online visibility and attract more customers. 

Contact V Digital Services today to improve your SEO and drive more leads and revenue for your business.


Photo Credits: wee design, Ground Picture