Straight From The Pros

Five Stars: How Local Reviews Can Shape Your Digital Marketing Campaign

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Local SEO, Reputation Management, Social Media

The internet is a magical and mysterious place. Information at your fingertips, tools and applications to make life easier, and the answer to any question you can possibly dream up. What could possibly go wrong?

For business owners, the convenience of the web can sometimes be brutal as your reputation hinges on what customers have to say about your product or services. For patrons or customers unfamiliar with your business, the web is the first place they’ll turn to decide whether or not you can meet their needs.

While this sounds like a reasonable pipeline for new clients, there’s an important issue to consider. If you’ve ever wondered “will a negative online review affect my business?” the answer, unfortunately, is a resounding yes.

Taking the place of the long-held word-of-mouth process, web reviews are the new standard. And just as people could once be influenced by a single harsh word spoken about a product or service, a negative online review will go a long way toward turning away potential customers.

Effectively manage your online reputation

Most business owners are worried about how to get rid of negative local reviews, and fortunately, there is a solution. Consider these two practices to start you on the path to effectively managing your reputation on the web.

  • Incentivize loyal and satisfied customers to leave reviews. Provide a positive customer experience, and when you’re satisfied that you’ve done so, ask that customer to please leave a review. You can specify Yelp, Facebook, Zagat, or another appropriate site for your market. Using coupon incentives will be extremely helpful, but asking for a friendly favor can itself be a powerful incentive for a happy customer. The best way to counteract a negative review is with multiple positive ones.
  • Respond to local reviews online, both positive and negative. Make sure the viewing public understands that you’re actively engaged in managing problems perceived by customers, and that you’re concerned with the overall customer experience. Apologize when necessary. Provide contact information. And thank customers who provide positive reviews – that’s important, too! Customers always appreciate the attention you provide them.

V Digital Services - Why Your Business Needs Reputation Management Infographic
Source: reputationvip.com

Ask V Digital Services About Getting More Reviews for Your Business

When it’s time to manage a growing online reputation, bring in the professionals. V Digital Services offers local SEO and reputation management that can completely direct, and improve, the way that the viewing public perceives your offerings. Get in touch today to talk about a customized plan for streamlining your web presence and turning mouse clicks into business.

As with any new technology, approaching the web with a team of experts will go a long way towards ensuring your continued success. With a world of customers at your fingertips, take charge of your online reputation with the help of V Digital Services. Click here to contact us or call (888) 441-0784.