{"id":5711,"date":"2017-11-14T09:35:23","date_gmt":"2017-11-14T16:35:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.vdigitalservices.com\/?p=5711"},"modified":"2024-01-18T16:26:23","modified_gmt":"2024-01-18T23:26:23","slug":"conversion-optimization-tips","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.vdigitalservices.com\/conversion-optimization-tips\/","title":{"rendered":"Conversion Rate Optimization Tips for Noobs"},"content":{"rendered":"

Conversion optimization has been around for a long time. And I mean a long time. One of the earliest examples of this process dates back to Leonardo Da Vinci<\/a> circa 1430, in his attempt to improve food production through automation. Da Vinci actually failed his original goal, but succeeded in incredibly improving the operation of a system to cook large volumes of food for kitchen feasts. He ended up creating conveyor belts and a sprinkler system, which are known as his first recorded uses of technology in his inventions.<\/p>\n

All that aside, imagine you have a small eCommerce site that receives 100 visitors a month. Very realistic, right?<\/p>\n

Now, out of those, let\u2019s assume that 1 visitor each month ends up purchasing a $100 product.<\/p>\n

Without acquiring more traffic, you make a couple of tweaks on your site, and you turn that to 2 transactions each month. Congratulations! You just doubled your monthly revenue.<\/p>\n

So what exactly is conversion rate optimization, and how can it help your business in the 21st century?<\/p>\n

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?<\/h2>\n


Conversion rate optimization (CRO) deals with utilizing data to improve the frequency in which a desired outcome happens. The desired outcome varies from business to business, but generally ranges from clicks, video views, and downloads all the way to email sign ups, form fills and product transactions.<\/p>\n

An ingenious example of how brick & mortar stores utilize this process is with heatmaps to track traffic areas<\/a> in their stores. By tracking user experience throughout the store, conversion specialists can create a better layout that gets eyes on the right products, and increases sales and revenue.<\/p>\n


Why is CRO so Important?<\/h2>\n

In our hypothetical eCommerce shop, we were able to double the sales and revenue without increasing traffic to our site. Without investing time or money on acquiring new customers, we\u2019ve cut our cost per acquisition in half. If you were spending $50 for those 100 visitors, you just saved half your money, and can reinvest in other areas of your digital marketing campaign.<\/p>\n

CRO is quintessential to any digital marketing campaign because you can increase conversions with the traffic you\u2019ve already earned. Once they are on your website, you have 100% control over the experience of these users. If you\u2019re spending $100 per lead, you can potentially halve it through CRO.<\/p>\n

The process of optimizing your conversion rates ultimately comes down to improving user experience (UX). It is a methodical and scientific approach that uses qualitative and quantitative data to create hypotheses and generate tests to see what works and what doesn\u2019t.<\/p>\n

One of my personal favorite case studies of CRO in action is with Expedia. By removing a single field in their transaction page form, they were able to increase sales by $12 million a year. In their form, Expedia asked every single visitor to list the name of their company, which broke the flow of their entire user interface (UI). It didn\u2019t make any sense!<\/p>\n